Why is the Shrine licensing tour operators?
The Shrine of Remembrance is a Victorian public-sector entity located within a 12.99ha Crown Land Reserve (the Shrine Reserve). The Shrine of Remembrance Trustees are the land managers of the Shrine Reserve.
The Crown Land Acts Amendment (Lease and Licence Terms) Act 2009 became effective in Victoria on 1 July 2011. The Act amended the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, Land Act 1958 and Wildlife Act 1975, establishing a consistent legislative framework for licensing commercial tourism and recreation activity on public land in Victoria. The provisions provide a licensing role for applicable public land managers under the relevant Acts.
In considering their obligations as land managers, the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees have determined that tour operators wishing to conduct tours within the Shrine Reserve must conform with the Tour Operator Licensing requirements of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978.
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning has further information on tour operator licensing on public land.
When will the licensing requirement take effect?
Implementation of the requirement to hold an approved licence and pay fees to conduct tour activities at the Shrine of Remembrance will commence on 1 January 2018. Unlicensed tours will not be permitted after this date.
Who needs a Shrine tour operator licence?
A person or business who conducts tours within the boundaries of the Shrine Reserve will be required to hold a Shrine tour operator licence. Where a licence-holder engages a third party to deliver some or all of the licensed activities, third parties must also hold a Shrine tour operator licence.
How do I apply for a Shrine tour operator licence?
Operators can apply for a Tour Operator Licence online here. Before submitting we encourage tour operators to review their application to determine what information/documentation is required before applying.
How long does it take to process a licence application?
Applications and licence renewals will only be assessed if all the information and supporting documentation required is provided. Please submit applications online on our website at shrine.org.au/licensing and attach all supporting documents in .pdf format.
It is anticipated that an application will be processed within six to eight weeks, depending on the complexity of the application. Should you have any questions about the application process please contact the Shrine on 03 9661 8100 or email tourlicensing@shrine.org.au.
How long is a Shrine tour operator licence valid for?
A Shrine tour operator licence, once issued, is in effect for either one, 3 or 5 years depending on the application and approval process.
The licence fee applied will be the fee unit multiplied by the fixed fee unit applicable to the financial year in which the date the licence is issued falls. Where a multi-year licence is issued, the tour operator will be invoiced a lump sum for all years of the licence, unless the Shrine is informed otherwise. The Shrine Visitor Services Manager will contact licensees regarding their licence renewal one month prior to a licence expiry to expedite the renewal process.
What does it mean if I am not licenced at the Shrine?
Any tour operator who is not licensed will be unable to conduct their tours at the Shrine or on the Shrine Reserve.
What fees apply to a Shrine tour operator licence?
Fees payable by a licensed tour operator and activity provider consist of a fixed component and a variable use component (based on visitor numbers). The fixed component is the ‘annual licence fee’. The variable use component, the ‘use fee’, is calculated on the number of individuals in your tour groups. Fees are set by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Please note that pro rata fees are not available; if an operator applies half way through the year the full annual licence fee still applies.
When are licence fee payments due?
The annual licence fee is due once a licence application has been approved and licence issued, an invoice will be generated and sent via email. Payment will be required on the 20th of the month following the invoice date.
The fixed use fees payment due dates will vary depending on your customer credit account and licence terms, see below for more information.
How can I pay my licence fees?
Tour operators holding a Shrine licence and current customer credit account will be able to pay use fees on an account in arrears basis. We will notify you of your customer credit status and payments schedule. Invoices will be raised by the Shrine’s booking system based on the booking / registration data.
Tour operators holding a Shrine licence, but not a customer credit account will be required to pay the use fee in advance or on the day of conducting the tour. Payment is required at the time of registration of your group at the Visitor Centre reception desk. Payment methods accepted include cash, Mastercard, Visa Card or debit card. Please note that American Express and Diners cards are not accepted at the Shrine. A receipt will be issued at the time of payment.
How do I submit a credit application with the Shrine?
Any tour operator may submit a credit application by completing and submitting a Request for Customer Credit Account Form. Please complete, sign and then scan your form in .pdf format and email it to tourlicensing@Shrine.org.au.
How long does it take to process a credit application?
Credit applications will be assessed only if all the information required in the Request for Customer Credit Account Form is provided. It is anticipated that a credit application will be processed within four weeks, depending on the availability of business / trade references you provided. Should you have any questions about the credit application process please contact the Shrine on 03 9661 8100 or email tourlicensing@Shrine.org.au.
What accreditation do I need to meet licensing criteria?
When applying for a one year licence no accreditation is required.
If applying for a multi-year licence tour operators must hold the following accreditation: Australian Tourism Accreditation Program
What are the insurance requirements for a Shrine tour operators and licence application?
A valid Certificate of Currency required. This document confirms Public Liability Insurance is current and valid as of the date and time the certificate was issued and the amount and conditions insured for. For a Certificate of Currency to meet the Shrine’s requirements, the following must be adhered to:
- The insurer is an approved APRA Insurance provider
- The Certificate of Currency provided is the full certificate not a tax invoice or adjustment notice
- The insured, on the Certificate of Currency is the same as the Entity Name making the application.
- All business activities are listed on the Certificate
- Minimum coverage of $20 million public and products liability
What supporting information needs to be submitted with a licence application?
Please refer to the online application form which outlines the supporting information required before submitting your application.
- All fields are completed in full within the form.
- If more than one tour schedule, attach additional tour schedules for each tour proposed.
- Maps and brochures, scanned and attached where applicable.
- Documentary evidence of accreditation (multi-year licence only).
- Documentary evidence of public and product liability insurance.
What do I need to do to meet the Shrine’s special licence conditions?
For further information about the Shrine’s special licence conditions please email tourlicensing@shrine.org.au.
How do I book my tour group to visit the Shrine?
All Shrine licensed tour operators will be able to notify of their group tours using an agreed email notification form to tourbookings@shrine.org.au.
All group tour operators must register their tour group at the Visitor Centre reception desk before commencing a tour.
On arrival at the Shrine, where do I register my tour group?
On arrival, all group tour operators must register their tour group at the Visitor Centre reception desk before commencing a tour. A Visitor Services Officer will be available to assist you.
What if my tour group number differs to my booking?
Your actual group numbers will be recorded when you register your tour group at the Visitors Centre reception desk.
Who do I contact at the Shrine if I have further questions?
For further information or if you require assistance with your licence application, please email tourlicensing@shrine.org.au