Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.

Apply for tour operator licensing

Complete this application form to obtain a tour operator license.

This application form is for all operators needing to apply for a licence to conduct commercial touring activities at the Shrine of Remembrance Melbourne, which is managed by the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees.

Your application will not be processed without correct documentation.

Multiple-year licences are conditional on appropriate accreditation.


  • No payment is required to complete this form; you will be invoiced.
  • Pro rata rates are not available.
  • The full annual fee will be charged regardless of licence commencement date.
License duration - choose 1(Required)

If you choose a multi-year license with annual payment, you will be invoiced each year for the duration of your licence. The annual fee will be indexed each year.

Business type(Required)
Please note, a Trustee or entity type must supply a copy of the trust deed with their application. This should be emailed to
This person will be the primary contact for all licensing and emergency communication.
Your preferred trip return reporting submission schedule(Required)
All mandatory document must be attached to an email and sent to
  • Public and products liability insurance certificate of currency (Mandatory)
  • Accreditation (Multi-year mandatory)
  • Tour schedule (Mandatory)
  • Other supporting documents as needed

The information that you provide is used to respond to your enquiry. You can request access to, and corrections of, any personal information provided in this form. Requests for access or correction should be sent to

We use Drupal to administer this form. The information that you provide is stored in our Drupal 9 content management system and Microsoft Azure servers.

For more information on the handling of any personal information, please refer to the Shrine privacy policy.
