Stories of service and sacrifice may cause distress.
See this resource list for help.



The Shrine of Remembrance Trustees is a public sector entity established as a statutory authority by the Shrine of Remembrance Act 1978 (the Act). Accordingly, it is subject to the common obligations of Whole of Government legislation and policies applicable in the Victorian public sector including the Public Administration Act 2004 and the Financial Management Act 1994.

Persons appointed as trustees are directors of the entity; collectively they form the Shrine’s board. The board’s functions are stated in the Act and controlled through a comprehensive range of interrelated strategic, governance, risk management and planning instruments. A five-year strategic plan informs programming and marketing strategies; and an annual business plan and budget direct and enable aligned actions and initiatives.

Trustee Meetings

During 2023–24, the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees held five of six scheduled ordinary meetings.


The board has established committees whose purpose and function are defined in Committee Charters. Committee memberships comprise trustees, Life Governors, Governors and independent members with specific knowledge and skill required by the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees.

Three committees operated in the reporting period.

  • Audit and Risk Management Committee
  • Ceremonial Committee
  • Remuneration Committee
