Dean M Lee - BAppSc EMBA GAICD
Chief Executive Officer
Dean is the Shrine’s nominated Accountable Officer and provides governance and strategic support and advice to the Trustees and overall leadership to the organisation. Dean was appointed in July 2015.
Sue Burgess - BEc
Director Public Programs
Sue holds overall responsibility for museum and collection management, exhibitions and digital programs and the Shrine’s education and volunteer programs. Sue was appointed in October 2019.
Sue Curwood - BA MMktg
Marketing Director
Sue holds responsibility for all marketing, branding and communications strategy and tactical implementation and functional and campaign advertising. Sue was appointed in June 2020.
Stewart Green - BComm BIS CA
Director Corporate Services
(Greg Gilmour—BEc MBA CA CPA AAICD—2 September 2019–2 February 2024)
Stewart holds responsibility for financial control, regulatory compliance, administration and facility functions. Stewart was appointed to this role in May 2024.
Ryan Johnston - BA GradDip PgDiptg
Director Visitor Experience
(Andrew Sivijs—BAHons MPil—1 July 2023–15 November 2023)
Ryan holds responsibility for the Shrine’s visitor services, ceremonial program and self-funding activities. Ryan was appointed in February 2024