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Appendix to the Shrine of Remembrance Annual Report 2023-24.

Disclosure of Major Contracts

The Shrine of Remembrance Trustees have no contracts at or above the prescribed level of $10 million within the 2023–24 reporting period.

Employment and Conduct Principles

The Shrine of Remembrance is committed to applying merit and equity principles when recruiting and appointing staff.

The selection processes ensure that applicants are assessed and evaluated fairly and equitably based on key selection criteria and other role specific attributes without discrimination. Employees have been correctly classified in workforce data collections.

Freedom of Information

The Shrine of Remembrance is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982. The Freedom of Information Act 1982. The Act allows the public a right to seek access to documents held by the Shrine of Remembrance. Requests should be forwarded to Shrine of Remembrance Trustees, GPO Box 1603, Melbourne, Victoria 3001.

Shrine Trustees received no Freedom of Information requests within the 2023–24 reporting period.

FOI requests per period2021-222022-232023-24
Assessable FOI Requests000

Compliance with Building Act 1993

During the reporting period the Trustees complied with the Building Act 1993 as appropriate.

Compliance with Neutrality Policy

Shrine Trustees adhere to the principles of the National Competition Policy and Competitive Neutrality Policy (Vic) to ensure where services compete with, or potentially compete with the private sector, any advantage arising solely from their government ownership be removed if not in the public interest.

Compliance with the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 encourages and assists people in making disclosures of improper conduct by public officers and public bodies. The Act provides protection to people who make disclosures in accordance with the Act and establishes a system for the matters disclosed to be investigated and rectifying action to be taken.

The Shrine of Remembrance does not tolerate improper conduct by personnel, nor the taking of reprisals against those who come forward to disclose such conduct. It is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices and supports the making of disclosures that reveal corrupt conduct, conduct involving a substantial mismanagement of public resources, or conduct involving a substantial risk to public health and safety or the environment.

The Shrine will take all reasonable steps to protect people who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosure. It will also afford natural justice to the person who is the subject of the disclosure to the extent it is legally possible.

Disclosures of improper conduct or detrimental action by the Shrine of Remembrance Trustees or any of its employees may be made to the Chair or the Chief Executive Officer. Alternatively, disclosures may be made directly to:

Independent Broad-based
Anti-Corruption Commission
Level 1 North Tower, 459 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
PHONE 1300 735 135

The number of disclosures made by an individual to the Shrine of Remembrance and notified to the Independent Broad-based Anticorruption Commission:

Disclosures per period2021-222022-232023-24
Assessable Disclosures000

Compliance with the Carers Recognition Act 2012

The Shrine of Remembrance has taken all practical measures to comply with its obligations under the Carers Recognition Act 2012. These include:
considering the care relationship principles set out in the Act when setting policies and providing services (e.g., reviewing our employment policies such as flexible working arrangements and leave provisions to ensure that these comply with the statement of principles in the Act).


In 2023–24 there were five consultancies where the total fees payable to the consultants were $10,000 or more. The total expenditure incurred during 2023–24 in relation to these consultancies was $170,141 (excl GST) (2022–23: $333,174).

In 2023–24 there were three consultancies where the total fees payable to the consultants were less than $10,000. The total amount spent on consultancies less than $10,000 was $16,340 (excl GST) (2022–23: $4,993).

Consultant and Service Details

Start Date

End Date

Total Approved Fee (excl GST) $2023-24 Expenditure (excl GST) $Future Expenditure (excl GST) $
O'Keefe & Partners PTY LTD
Sponsorship Program
Hays Specialist Recruitment (Aus.) PTY LTD
Payroll Services
Grange Advisory PTY LTD
Organisational Development
Wanyaari PTY LTD
Reconciliation Action Plan
Wanyaari PTY LTD
Reconciliation Action Plan
Total 172,043170,141-

Compliance with the Disability Act 2006

The Disability Act 2006 reaffirms and strengthens the rights of people with a disability and recognises that this requires support across the government sector and within the community.

The Shrine of Remembrance Trustees adhere to the requirements of the Act and continue to develop and update their Disability Action Plan as and when required.

Disclosure of Government Advertising Expenditure

In 2023–24, the Trustees did not undertake any government advertising campaigns with total media spend of $100,000 or greater (excl GST).

Disclosure of ICT Expenditure

ICT expenditure refers to the Shrine’s costs in providing business enabling ICT services within the current reporting period. It comprises Business as Usual (BAU) ICT expenditure and Non-Business as Usual (Non-BAU) ICT expenditure. Non-BAU ICT expenditure relates to extending or enhancing our current ICT capabilities.

BAU ICT expenditure is all remaining ICT expenditure which primarily relates to ongoing activities to operate and maintain the current ICT capability.

During the reporting period, the Shrine of Remembrance had a total BAU and non-BAU ICT expenditure of $174,303 (2022–23: $158,633).

Statement of Availability of Other Information

In compliance with the requirements of the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance, details in respect of the items listed have been retained by the Shrine of Remembrance and are available on request, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

During 2023–24:

  • Declarations of pecuniary interests were duly completed by all relevant officers.
  • No shares were held by Key Management Personnel as nominee or held beneficially in a statutory authority or subsidiary.

Reporting of Office-Based Environmental Impacts

The Shrine of Remembrance maintains and regularly reviews an environmental practices policy and is committed to minimising the environmental impacts associated with its activities.

As part of a Social Procurement Framework supporting local and sustainable suppliers, the Shrine, uses semi-biodegradable and reusable materials in its wreaths, made from Australian grown flowers and foliage.

The Shrine maintains a 960,000-litre underground water storage tank which is used to store building and hard stand run-off. This water supports irrigation across the site and reduces consumption of potable water. Irrigation is scheduled to occur at night to minimise evaporative loss and drip irrigators are used in densely planted areas to further conserve water.

A building management system allows for efficient control of climate and lighting systems to meet the needs and expectations of visitors in an energy efficient manner. All public bathrooms utilise auto operated hand dryers. Newer offices and public areas are fitted with motion detectors to activate lighting as a means of reducing electrical consumption. All new and replacement lighting products have been high efficiency LED products.

Lighting, HVAC and standby utilities were powered down and/or minimised throughout the night to reduce energy consumption and avoid light exposure to collections items. Further efficiencies were achieved in 2023–24 through the introduction of LED cleaning lighting to museum galleries. Overall energy consumption in the reporting period was 7.38% per cent higher than in the prior reporting period.

The Shrine utilises Microsoft SharePoint electronic document storage and retrieval system to protect document integrity and minimise the use of paper; this is a cloud-based computing solution reducing the requirement for on-site computing hardware thus minimising electrical costs and waste disposal of aged computer and server hardware. Redundant ICT equipment was e-recycled throughout the year.

All internal communications, including committee and board meeting agenda and minutes, are distributed electronically to minimise the environmental footprint by reducing printer power, paper and ink consumption, and carbon emissions in transportation.

Recycling bins are in all office areas to collect paper for re-use. Latex and Nitrile gloves are collected and where possible recycled. The Papercut software solution was implemented to assist our policy of minimising hard copy printing.

Local Jobs First

The Shrine of Remembrance adheres to the Local Jobs Act 2003.

Social Procurement

The Shrine of Remembrance undertook social procurement activities during the year with an aggregated spend of $6,987 with seven social benefit suppliers (2022–23:$719,380).

Workforce Data

The Shrine of Remembrance Trustees directly employs a Chief Executive Officer, operational staff, casual and contract employees.

Staff Numbers2022-232023-24
Chief Executive Officer11
Shrine Employees (total)4343
Effective Full-time equivalent33.2834.10

The salary of one executive employee is reported within note 8.3 of the financial accounts.

The Shrine is also supported by 73 volunteers.
