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Objects from David Bergman's work at the World Trade Centre

On 11 September 2001, attacks were carried out by the terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda, on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in the United States of America. The event was the catalyst for the US-led invasion of Afghanistan where Al-Qaeda had been operating its training camps. The war in Afghanistan is the longest war Australia has ever participated in. 

Captain David Bergman was part of a group of five Australian Army Engineer officers seconded to the New York Police Department in November 2001 to assist with investigations into anthrax attacks that began occurring 7 days after the attacks on the World Trade Center. Over 2 months, letters laced with spores from the deadly bacteria were sent to organisations and congressional offices, killing 5 people.

Captain Bergman was then seconded to the Port Authority Police Department (PAPD) on extra duties to assist in the World Trade Center recovery effort. He worked 4 night shifts as part of the PAPD recovery team at Ground Zero. He undertook further training in identification techniques at the Staten Island human remains recovery site and the morgue, where all recovered material was taken.
