Please note, the Books of Remembrance are currently undergoing conservation and are not available for viewing throughout summer. A kiosk is available for researching names listed in the books.
The Ambulatory contains 42 bronze caskets. The caskets house the 40 Books of Remembrance (38 Australian Imperial Force, one Royal Australian Navy and one book including Victorians who served in other than Australian Forces); the Monarch’s Book of Remembrance and a VIP book.
Each Book of Remembrance has a fine illuminated page and calligraphic script and in total 89,100 names are recorded. Each person recorded was either born or enlisted in Victoria and served overseas or died prior to embarkation. Only First World War (1914-18) persons are named. The books were completed between 1931 and 1934 by nine calligraphers (seven men and two women).
Due to their age and the need for their preservation, the pages are no longer turned unless a request is made to view a particular name. Names are recorded in alphabetical order and awards and decorations are shown beside the name of the recipient. Rank is not shown, with the exception of Sisters. Where there are identical names, the service number is shown alongside the name.
